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Zustand是一个使用简化的flux原理的小型、快速且可扩展的状态管理解决方案。有一个基于hooks的舒适 api,无需样板代码或自以为是的繁琐操作。

不要因为它简单就无视它。它有相当多的利器,花费了大量的时间来处理常见的陷阱,比如可怕的僵尸子问题react并发性,以及混合渲染时的context丢失。它可能是 React 生态中可以正确地处理所有这些问题的一个状态管理库。


npm install zustand # or yarn add zustand


你的store是一个hook!你可以在里面放任何东西:数据、对象、函数。 set 函数用于合并状态。

import create from 'zustand'

const useStore = create(set => ({
bears: 0,
increasePopulation: () => set(state => ({ bears: state.bears + 1 })),
removeAllBears: () => set({ bears: 0 })



function BearCounter() {
const bears = useStore(state => state.bears)
return <h1>{bears} around here ...</h1>

function Controls() {
const increasePopulation = useStore(state => state.increasePopulation)
return <button onClick={increasePopulation}>one up</button>


  • 简单而不需要太多样板代码
  • 使hook成为消费状态的主要手段
  • 不将你的应用包装在context.Provider中
  • [可以瞬时通知组件(不引起渲染)](#瞬态更新(对于经常发生的状态 - 变化))


  • 更少的样板文件
  • 只在更改时渲染组件
  • 集中的,基于actions的状态管理




const state = useStore()


默认情况下,它使用严格相等(old === new)检测更改,这对于原子state picks(状态选择)很有效。

const nuts = useStore(state => state.nuts)
const honey = useStore(state => state.honey)

如果你想构造一个内部具有多个 state-picks 的单个对象,类似于 redux 的 mapStateToProps,,你可以告诉 zustand 你希望通过传递 shallow相等函数来对对象进行浅比较。

import shallow from 'zustand/shallow'

// Object pick, re-renders the component when either state.nuts or state.honey change
const { nuts, honey } = useStore(state => ({ nuts: state.nuts, honey: state.honey }), shallow)

// Array pick, re-renders the component when either state.nuts or state.honey change
const [nuts, honey] = useStore(state => [state.nuts, state.honey], shallow)

// Mapped picks, re-renders the component when state.treats changes in order, count or keys
const treats = useStore(state => Object.keys(state.treats), shallow)


const treats = useStore(
state => state.treats,
(oldTreats, newTreats) => compare(oldTreats, newTreats)


通常建议使用useCallback来缓存选择器。这将防止每次渲染时进行不必要的计算。它还允许 React 在并发模式下优化性能。

const fruit = useStore(useCallback(state => state.fruits[id], [id]))


const selector = state => state.berries

function Component() {
const berries = useStore(selector)


set 函数有第二个参数,默认为 false。它将替换状态模型,而不是去合并它。注意如无必要请不要去除你需要的部分,比如actions。

import { omit } from "lodash-es/omit"

const useStore = create(set => ({
salmon: 1,
tuna: 2,
deleteEverything: () => set({ }, true), // clears the entire store, actions included
deleteTuna: () => set(state => omit(state, ['tuna']), true)



const useStore = create(set => ({
fishies: {},
fetch: async pond => {
const response = await fetch(pond)
set({ fishies: await response.json() })


set 允许使用函数set(state => result)更新状态,但你仍然可以通过 get 访问它之外的状态。

const useStore = create((set, get) => ({
sound: "grunt",
action: () => {
const sound = get().sound
// ...



const useStore = create(() => ({ paw: true, snout: true, fur: true }))

// Getting non-reactive fresh state
const paw = useStore.getState().paw
// Listening to all changes, fires synchronously on every change
const unsub1 = useStore.subscribe(console.log)
// Updating state, will trigger listeners
useStore.setState({ paw: false })
// Unsubscribe listeners
// Destroying the store (removing all listeners)

// You can of course use the hook as you always would
function Component() {
const paw = useStore(state => state.paw)


如果你需要使用选择器订阅,subscribe With Selector 中间件会有所帮助。 有了这个中间件,subscribe 接受一个额外的签名:

subscribe(selector, callback, options?: { equalityFn, fireImmediately }): Unsubscribe
import { subscribeWithSelector } from 'zustand/middleware'
const useStore = create(subscribeWithSelector(() => ({ paw: true, snout: true, fur: true })))

// Listening to selected changes, in this case when "paw" changes
const unsub2 = useStore.subscribe(state => state.paw, console.log)
// Subscribe also exposes the previous value
const unsub3 = useStore.subscribe(state => state.paw, (paw, previousPaw) => console.log(paw, previousPaw))
// Subscribe also supports an optional equality function
const unsub4 = useStore.subscribe(state => [state.paw, state.fur], console.log, { equalityFn: shallow })
// Subscribe and fire immediately
const unsub5 = useStore.subscribe(state => state.paw, console.log, { fireImmediately: true })

如何在 TypeScript 中使用 subscribe With Selector

import create, { GetState, SetState } from 'zustand'
import { StoreApiWithSubscribeWithSelector } from 'zustand/middleware'

type BearState = {
paw: boolean
snout: boolean
fur: boolean
const useStore = create<
>(subscribeWithSelector(() => ({ paw: true, snout: true, fur: true })))

对于具有多个中间件的更复杂的类型,请参考 middlewareTypes.test.tsx


Zustand核心可以在没有 React 依赖的情况下导入和使用。唯一的区别是 create 函数不返回hook,而是返回vanilla api。

import create from 'zustand/vanilla'

const store = create(() => ({ ... }))
const { getState, setState, subscribe, destroy } = store

你甚至可以使用 React 消费现有的vanilla store

import create from 'zustand'
import vanillaStore from './vanillaStore'

const useStore = create(vanillaStore)

⚠️ 请注意,修改 setget 的中间件不适用于 get Stateset State

瞬态更新(对于经常发生的状态 - 变化)

订阅功能允许组件绑定到状态部分,而无需强制重新渲染更改。最好将它与 useEffect 结合使用,以便在卸载时自动取消订阅。当你被允许直接改变视图时,这可能会对性能产生 剧烈 影响。

const useStore = create(set => ({ scratches: 0, ... }))

function Component() {
// Fetch initial state
const scratchRef = useRef(useStore.getState().scratches)
// Connect to the store on mount, disconnect on unmount, catch state-changes in a reference
useEffect(() => useStore.subscribe(
state => (scratchRef.current = state.scratches)
), [])


reduce中使用嵌套结构的样板代码比较烦。你试过 immer 吗?

import produce from 'immer'

const useStore = create(set => ({
lush: { forest: { contains: { a: "bear" } } },
clearForest: () => set(produce(state => {
state.lush.forest.contains = null

const clearForest = useStore(state => state.clearForest)



// Log every time state is changed
const log = config => (set, get, api) => config(args => {
console.log(" applying", args)
console.log(" new state", get())
}, get, api)

// Turn the set method into an immer proxy
const immer = config => (set, get, api) => config((partial, replace) => {
const nextState = typeof partial === 'function'
? produce(partial)
: partial
return set(nextState, replace)
}, get, api)

const useStore = create(
immer((set) => ({
bees: false,
setBees: (input) => set((state) => void (state.bees = input)),


import create from "zustand"
import produce from "immer"
import pipe from "ramda/es/pipe"

/* log and immer functions from previous example */
/* you can pipe as many middlewares as you want */
const createStore = pipe(log, immer, create)

const useStore = createStore(set => ({
bears: 1,
increasePopulation: () => set(state => ({ bears: state.bears + 1 }))

export default useStore

有关TS示例,请参阅以下内容 讨论

如何在 TypeScript 中类型化 immer 中间件middlewareTypes.test.tsx 中有一个参考实现,其中包含一些用例。 你可以根据需要使用任何简化的变体。



import create from "zustand"
import { persist } from "zustand/middleware"

export const useStore = create(persist(
(set, get) => ({
fishes: 0,
addAFish: () => set({ fishes: get().fishes + 1 })
name: "food-storage", // unique name
getStorage: () => sessionStorage, // (optional) by default, 'localStorage' is used


不能没有redux - 像 reducers 和 action 类型?

const types = { increase: "INCREASE", decrease: "DECREASE" }

const reducer = (state, { type, by = 1 }) => {
switch (type) {
case types.increase: return { grumpiness: state.grumpiness + by }
case types.decrease: return { grumpiness: state.grumpiness - by }

const useStore = create(set => ({
grumpiness: 0,
dispatch: args => set(state => reducer(state, args)),

const dispatch = useStore(state => state.dispatch)
dispatch({ type: types.increase, by: 2 })

或者,直接使用我们的Redux中间件。它连接主reducer,设置初始状态,并向状态本身和vanilla AP添加调度函数。尝试这个示例。

import { redux } from 'zustand/middleware'

const useStore = create(redux(reducer, initialState))

在 React 事件处理器之外调用操作

因为如果在事件处理器之外调用setState,React会对它进行同步处理。在事件处理器之外更新状态将强制 react 同步更新组件,因此增加了遇到僵尸-子效应的风险。 为了解决这个问题,这个action需要包含在 unstable _batched Updates

import { unstable_batchedUpdates } from 'react-dom' // or 'react-native'

const useStore = create((set) => ({
fishes: 0,
increaseFishes: () => set((prev) => ({ fishes: prev.fishes + 1 }))

const nonReactCallback = () => {
unstable_batchedUpdates(() => {


Redux devtools

import { devtools } from 'zustand/middleware'

// Usage with a plain action store, it will log actions as "setState"
const useStore = create(devtools(store))
// Usage with a redux store, it will log full action types
const useStore = create(devtools(redux(reducer, initialState)))

Devtools 将 store 函数作为它的第一个参数,你可以选择为 store 命名或配置带有第二个参数的序列化选项。

命名store:devtools(store, {name: "My Store"}),这将作为你的操作的前缀。 Devtools 将只记录来自每个单独store的操作,这与典型的combined reducers 的redux store不同。请查看合并store的方法

React context

create 创建的sotre不需要context providers来包裹。在某些情况下,你可能希望使用contexts进行依赖注入,或者如果你想使用组件中的 props 初始化你的store。因为 store 是一个hook,把它作为一个普通的context值传递可能会违反hook的规则。为了避免误用,提供了一个特殊的createContext

import create from 'zustand'
import createContext from 'zustand/context'

const { Provider, useStore } = createContext()

const createStore = () => create(...)

const App = () => (
<Provider createStore={createStore}>

const Component = () => {
const state = useStore()
const slice = useStore(selector)


  import create from "zustand";
import createContext from "zustand/context";

// Best practice: You can move the below createContext() and createStore to a separate file(store.js) and import the Provider, useStore here/wherever you need.

const { Provider, useStore } = createContext();

const createStore = () =>
create((set) => ({
bears: 0,
increasePopulation: () => set((state) => ({ bears: state.bears + 1 })),
removeAllBears: () => set({ bears: 0 })

const Button = () => {
return (
{/** store() - This will create a store for each time using the Button component instead of using one store for all components **/}
<Provider createStore={createStore}>
<ButtonChild />

const ButtonChild = () => {
const state = useStore();
return (
onClick={() => {

export default function App() {
return (
<div className="App">
<Button />
<Button />

使用 props 初始化createContext (在TypeScript中)

  import create from "zustand";
import createContext from "zustand/context";

type BearState = {
bears: number
increase: () => void

// pass the type to `createContext` rather than to `create`
const { Provider, useStore } = createContext<BearState>();

export default function App({ initialBears }: { initialBears: number }) {
return (
createStore={() =>
create((set) => ({
bears: initialBears,
increase: () => set((state) => ({ bears: state.bears + 1 })),
<Button />


// You can use `type`
type BearState = {
bears: number
increase: (by: number) => void

// Or `interface`
interface BearState {
bears: number
increase: (by: number) => void

// And it is going to work for both
const useStore = create<BearState>(set => ({
bears: 0,
increase: (by) => set(state => ({ bears: state.bears + by })),

或者,使用 combine 并让 tsc 推断类型。这会将两个状态浅合并。

import { combine } from 'zustand/middleware'

const useStore = create(
{ bears: 0 },
(set) => ({ increase: (by: number) => set((state) => ({ bears: state.bears + by })) })

使用多个中间件类型可能需要一些 TypeScript 知识。请参阅 middlewareTypes.test.tsx 中的一些工作示例。



有关使用 Zustand 进行测试的信息,请访问这个Wiki 页面


一些用户可能想要扩展 Zustand 的功能集,这可以使用社区制作的 第三方方库来完成。有关 Zustand 的第三方库的信息,请访问专用的 Wiki 页面
