




  • 实现CRUD的Service基类
  • 实现CRUD的Controller基类



  • repository属性为默认的存储类,通过子类的constructor注入来赋值,必须继承自BaseRepositoryBaseTreeRepository
  • enabl_trash属性用于确定是否包含软删除操作
  • list用于获取数据列表
  • paginate用于获取分页数据
  • detail用于获取数据详情
  • creatte用于创建数据(注意:此方法由子类实现,子类不实现则调用时抛出403
  • update方法与create一样由子类实现
  • delete用于删除单条数据
  • deleteList用于批量删除数据
  • deletePaginatedeleteList的区别在于删除数据后返回的列表是分页数据
  • restore,restoreList,restorePaginate用于恢复数据,返回的列表与删除雷同
  • buildItemQuery用于构建单条数据的查询器
  • buildListQuery用于构建数据列表的查询器
// src/modules/core/crud/service.ts
export abstract class BaseService<
E extends ObjectLiteral,
R extends BaseRepository<E> | BaseTreeRepository<E>,
P extends QueryListParams<E> = QueryListParams<E>,
M extends IPaginationMeta = IPaginationMeta,
> {
protected repository: R;
protected enable_trash = false;

constructor(repository: R) {
this.repository = repository;
if (
this.repository instanceof BaseRepository ||
this.repository instanceof BaseTreeRepository
) {
throw new Error(
'Repository must instance of BaseRepository or BaseTreeRepository in DataService!',

async list(params?: P, callback?: QueryHook<E>): Promise<E[]>

async paginate(
options: PaginateDto<M> & P,
callback?: QueryHook<E>,
): Promise<Pagination<E, M>>

async detail(id: string, trashed?: boolean, callback?: QueryHook<E>): Promise<E>

create(data: any): Promise<E>

update(data: any): Promise<E>

async delete(id: string, trash = true)

async deleteList(data: string[], params?: P, trash?: boolean, callback?: QueryHook<E>)

async deletePaginate(
data: string[],
options: PaginateDto<M> & P,
trash?: boolean,
callback?: QueryHook<E>,

async restore(id: string, callback?: QueryHook<E>)

async restoreList(data: string[], params?: P, callback?: QueryHook<E>)

async restorePaginate(data: string[], options: PaginateDto<M> & P, callback?: QueryHook<E>)

protected async buildItemQuery(query: SelectQueryBuilder<E>, callback?: QueryHook<E>)

protected async buildListQuery(qb: SelectQueryBuilder<E>, options: P, callback?: QueryHook<E>)



// src/modules/core/crud/controller.ts
export abstract class BaseController<
P extends QueryListParams<any> = QueryListParams<any>,
M extends IPaginationMeta = IPaginationMeta,
> {
protected service: S;

constructor(service: S) {

private setService(service: S) {
this.service = service;

async list(@Query() options: PaginateDto<M> & P & TrashedDto, ...args: any[]) {
return (this.service as any).paginate(options);

async detail(
@Query() { trashed }: QueryDetailDto,
@Param('item', new ParseUUIDPipe())
item: string,
...args: any[]
) {
return (this.service as any).detail(item, trashed);

async store(
data: any,
...args: any[]
) {
return (this.service as any).create(data);

async update(
data: any,
...args: any[]
) {
return (this.service as any).update(data);

async delete(
@Param('item', new ParseUUIDPipe())
item: string,
{ trash }: DeleteDto,
...args: any[]
) {
return (this.service as any).delete(item, trash);

async deleteMulti(
options: PaginateDto<M> & TrashedDto & P,
{ trash, items }: DeleteMultiDto,
...args: any[]
) {
return (this.service as any).deletePaginate(items, options, trash);

async restore(
@Param('item', new ParseUUIDPipe())
item: string,
...args: any[]
) {
return (this.service as any).restore(item);

async restoreMulti(
options: PaginateDto<M> & TrashedDto & P,
{ items }: DeleteRestoreDto,
...args: any[]
) {
return (this.service as any).restorePaginate(items, options);



  • 为控制器的方法添加上DTO
  • 为方法的响应添加上序列化选项
  • 对于没有在enabled启用的方法抛出404


// src/modules/core/types.ts

* CURD控制器方法列表
export type CurdMethod =
| 'detail'
| 'delete'
| 'restore'
| 'list'
| 'store'
| 'update'
| 'deleteMulti'
| 'restoreMulti';

* CRUD装饰器的方法选项
export interface CrudMethodOption {
* 该方法是否允许匿名访问
allowGuest?: boolean;
* 序列化选项,如果为`noGroup`则不传参数,否则根据`id`+方法匹配来传参
serialize?: ClassTransformOptions | 'noGroup';
* 每个启用方法的配置
export interface CurdItem {
name: CurdMethod;
option?: CrudMethodOption;

* CRUD装饰器选项
export interface CurdOptions {
id: string;
// 需要启用的方法
enabled: Array<CurdMethod | CurdItem>;
// 一些方法要使用到的自定义DTO
dtos: {
[key in 'query' | 'create' | 'update']?: Type<any>;


// src/modules/core/decorators/crud.decorator.ts
export const Crud =
(options: CurdOptions) =>
<T extends BaseController<any>>(Target: Type<T>) => {
Reflect.defineMetadata(CRUD_OPTIONS, options, Target);
const { id, enabled, dtos } = Reflect.getMetadata(CRUD_OPTIONS, Target) as CurdOptions;
const changed: Array<CurdMethod> = [];
// 添加验证DTO类
for (const value of enabled) {
// 添加验证DTO类
for (const key of changed) {
// 添加序列化选项以及是否允许匿名访问等metadata

const fixedProperties = ['constructor', 'service', 'setService'];
for (const key of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(BaseController.prototype)) {
// 对于不启用的方法返回404
return Target;



// src/modules/content/services/category.service.ts
export class CategoryService extends BaseService<CategoryEntity, CategoryRepository> {
constructor(protected categoryRepository: CategoryRepository) {

protected enable_trash = true;

async findTrees() {
return this.repository.findTrees();

async create(data: CreateCategoryDto) {
// ...

async update(data: UpdateCategoryDto) {
// ...

protected async getParent(id?: string) {
// ...

// src/modules/content/controllers/category.controller.ts
id: 'category',
enabled: [
dtos: {
query: QueryCategoryDto,
create: CreateCategoryDto,
update: UpdateCategoryDto,
export class CategoryController extends BaseController<CategoryService> {
constructor(protected categoryService: CategoryService) {

@SerializeOptions({ groups: ['category-tree'] })
async index() {
return this.service.findTrees();